How To Start Your Own Membership Site?

The membership site is an excellent business model and an extremely profitable one for Internet Marketers. Now start building your membership site.

Start Your Own Membership Within 7 Days!

If you are looking for one of the best ways to generate consistent income online, you need to get a membership site going. The beauty of it is that they provide true hands-free income, and they can be set up in under a week!

Yes, there is some work involved like anything else, but you can’t beat the return on your time invested.

Inside this 10-part course, you will get in-depth training on all proven methods to get passive income from membership sites.

Module #1 – Introduction To Membership Income
Module #2 – Creating Your Content (Part 1)
Module #3 – Creating Your Content (Part 2)
Module #4 – Different Types of Membership Sites
Module #5 – Technical Side of Setting Up Your Membership Site
Module #6 – Technology For Membership Sites
Module #7 – Promoting Your Membership Site
Module #8 – Joint Venture Strategies
Module #9 – Membership Income Case Studies
Module #10 – Wrapping It All Up

Full details are below…

Start Your Own Membership Within 7 Days!

If you could get even 25 new members paying you a modest $19.95 per month due to these methods, imagine how that would improve your quality of life. That is an extra $498.75 or an extra $5,985 per year! That is with only 25 members each month!

Imagine if you had 100 members, 200, or even 500 members, which many have! Your potential income explodes. What if you charged more per month for your content? Just keep doing the math, and you can see how powerful this is!

Did you know you can even sell a brand-new membership site for 12 times what it makes per month? You could build up membership sites with this training and flip them for easy cash! How cool is this?

This is why my latest release, Membership Income, shows you how to set up your membership site from start to finish!

Full details are below…

Summary Of What You Need To Do

Membership sites are an excellent source of income for you as the site owner. Depending on your business model, it may provide you with a recurring income, which gives you a reliable income.

How you set up the site is up to you, but now you will have the information you need to pick a script and then decide upon a niche. There are many niches you can create membership sites on, not just Internet Marketing.

Membership sites are popular because they give people a sense of belonging and appeal to the fundamental human need of being a part of a tribe.

By delivering high-value and unique content regularly, you can maximize your membership retention rate and keep your site earning for you. Through feedback from your members and engaging them in conversation, you can improve your membership site. 

To get started, all you need to do is:

1) Pick a niche to create a membership site.

2) Determine which script you are going to use.

3) Decide upon the model for your membership site, i.e., fixed-term, recurring billing, free or one-off payment.

4) Plan out the content for your membership site for the next 6 to 12 months.

5) Recruit joint venture partners to market your site.

6) Drive traffic to it to get members to join.

7) Recruit your members as affiliates and get them to promote your site.

8) Keep marketing it and replacing any members that leave with new members.

Then all you need to do is rinse and repeat in multiple niches, and you can have a network of highly profitable sites earning you money.

Membership sites are a great business model and a highly profitable one for Internet Marketers. If you do not have any in your portfolio, now is the time to seriously consider adding one (or more) to your network of sites.

You now have all the information you need to create a profitable membership site, and now it is time for you to take action.

Are ? It should not be, because it works very well, it is checked.

Work through the eight-step plan above and create your first membership site… once you have one, you will want to create more!


If you have a website, you may have another option to create your own online business. This is very easy to do. You can upload your products to your site at the lowest cost in this industry in a few days. By doing this, you can save time and money.

Yes, there will be times in your life when things interrupt your progress. When things get tough, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to do what it takes.

This blog is dedicated to helping you achieve financial success. Whether you need to supplement your existing income or completely replace your work income and live the internet marketing lifestyle, everything on this blog will be extremely valuable.

Remember that I will help you here and , never to be left alone. Also, during the lessons, you will receive all the pies and delicious cakes from online marketing. All will be video explanations, easy to learn, and easy to apply.

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Another opportunity that the offers is to ease your work by creating professional websites with hundreds and hundreds of products you want. All products are yours, and you earn 100% commission. This is fantastic because you do not have to work anymore. After all, this is not easy. Any site you want, you can get it in two or three days. It would help if you had a domain (site name) and where it is hosted. If you do not know what to do, contact the , and they will give you all the steps to follow. It’s effortless. 


Once you’ve got these sites, all your work is reduced to promoting products to get traffic and sales. You can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars a week, depending on the effort you make.

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Or, if you want, , and you will see what other people say who about joined there.

Tutorials & What you need to know to . Lessons for Beginners or Advanced Students.

It is amazing! How To Earn Money? or This System Is Free…

In real life, you can build any business you want. But for this, you havemust invest at very high costs and foronger time.
The advantage of online is that you can build a business in a much shorter time (just a few days), and you have to invest at meager costs. Everything is honest and legal.

If you are a beginner and you’re afraid, you can start here with baby steps.

Any beginner, to get started successfully, must avoid some mistakes. , which will explain why many fail in their businesses.

If you want, you can start alone or by associating with one or two friends.
Create a site, uploand ad it with ready-made products that you will receive after registration. In a few days, you will have your own business.
The money obtained from the sale of products, you can share in proportion to the work done by each of you (site management, traffic, creating the list of subscribers, etc.).

For any online business, . Without them, your business is dead.
Get 100 subscribers a day. If you join this site, and with only $ 1 a day, you can get at least 3000 subscribers every month. You will also earn money. Guaranteed! There is no trick. This is another opportunity that I use and achieves daily success as a compelling platform. I got a list of tens of thousands of followers I communicate with every day for 15 minutes. It is amazing. 
See . Many of them became my subscribers.
Everything is real and works very well. .

Do you want to learn more for free?
Free Training Masterclass! Set up your first $1000 a month Sales Funnel… in 60 minutes, you get traffic to sell any product or service online… even if you are a complete ‘technophobe’… have zero computer skills… no experience in sales or marketing… and without quitting your day job! .

Another opportunity to earn money, register here, and you will receive $ 5 immediately after registration. There you will have the opportunity for online business ideas and earn a lot of money. You will also earn $ 5 for each subscriber you bring

Another possibility for your business is that if you have built a website or have obtained affiliate links and want to advertise for free, get free traffic, make money, and get subscribers, you can .
For more information, read this free report.

You can also visit many opportunities displayed on the right side of this page. These are other sources of making money fast and very easily.

Or . Here the whole .

It is amazing! If you want to start making money without investing in anything, you can do it by joining right here.

Act right now, and you will be happy – guaranteed.

Active Search Results

With courage and ambition, you can start right now.

Search Engine Keywords Selection

Search engines are the vehicles that drive potential customers to your websites. But for visitors to reach their destination – your website – you need to provide them with specific and effective signs that will direct them right to your site. You do this by creating carefully chosen keywords.

Think of the right keywords as the Open Sesame! of the Internet. Find the exactly right words or phrases, and presto! Hoards of traffic will be pulling up to your front door. But if your keywords are too general or too over-used, the possibility of visitors making it to your site – or of seeing any real profits from the visitors that do arrive – decreases dramatically.

Your keywords serve as the foundation of your marketing strategy. If they are not chosen with great precision, no matter how aggressive your marketing campaign may be, the right people may never get the chance to find out about it.
So your first step in plotting your strategy is to gather and evaluate keywords and phrases.

You probably think you already know EXACTLY the right words for your search phrases. Unfortunately, if you haven’t followed certain specific steps, you are probably WRONG.
It’s hard to be objective when you are right in the center of your business network, which is why you may not be able to choose the most efficient keywords from the inside. You need to be able to think like your customers.
And since you are a business owner and not the consumer, your best bet is to go directly to the source.

Instead of plunging in and scribbling down a list of potential search words and phrases yourself, ask for words from as many potential customers as you can. You will most likely find out that your understanding of your business and your customers’ understanding is significantly different.

The consumer is an invaluable resource. You will find the words you accumulate from them are words and phrases you probably never would have considered from deep inside the trenches of your business.

Only after you have gathered as many words and phrases from outside resources should you add your keyword to the list. Once you have this list in hand, you are ready for the next step: an evaluation.

The evaluation aims to narrow down your list to a small number of words and phrases that will direct the highest number of quality visitors to your website. By “quality visitors,” I mean those consumers who are most likely to make a purchase rather than just cruise around your site and take off for greener pastures. In evaluating the effectiveness of keywords, bear in mind three elements: popularity, specificity, and motivation.

Popularity is the easiest to evaluate because it is an objective quality. The more popular your keyword is, the more likely the chances are that it will be typed into a search engine, bringing up your URL.

You can now purchase software that will rate the popularity of keywords and phrases by giving words a number rating based on real search engine activity. Software such as WordTracker will even suggest variations of your words and phrases. The higher the number this software assigns to a given keyword, the more traffic you can logically expect to be directed to your site. The only fallacy with this concept is the more popular the keyword is, the greater the search engine position you will need to obtain. If you are down at the bottom of the search results, the consumer will
probably never scroll down to find you.

Popularity isn’t enough to declare a keyword a good choice.
It would help if you moved on to the next criterion, which is specificity. The more specific your keyword is, the greater the likelihood that the consumer who is ready to purchase your goods or services will find you.

Let’s look at a hypothetical example. Imagine that you have obtained popularity rankings for the keyword “automobile companies.” However, your company specializes in bodywork only. The keyword “automobile body shops” would rank lower on the popularity scale than “automobile companies,” but it would nevertheless serve you much better. Instead of getting a slew of people interested in everything from buying a car to changing their oil filters, you will get only those consumers with trashed front ends or crumpled fenders directed to your site. In other words, consumers ready to buy your services are the ones who will immediately find you. Not only that but the greater the specificity of your keyword, the less .

The third factor is consumer motivation. Once again, this requires putting yourself inside the customer’s mind rather than the seller’s to figure out what motivation prompts a person looking for a service or product to type in a particular word or phrase.

Let’s look at another example: a consumer searching for a job as an IT manager in a new city. If you have to choose between “Seattle job listings” and “Seattle IT recruiters,” which do you think will benefit the consumer more? If you were looking for this type of specific job, which keyword would you type in? The second one, of course! Using the second keyword targets people who have decided on their career, have the necessary experience, and are ready to enlist you as their recruiter, rather than someone just out of school who is casually trying to figure out what to do with his or her life in between beer parties. You want to find people ready to act or make a purchase, and this requires subtle tinkering of your keywords until you find the most specific and directly targeted phrases to bring the most motivated traffic to your site.

Once you have chosen your keywords, your work is not done.
You must continually evaluate performance across various search engines, bearing in mind that times and trends change, as does popular lingo. You cannot rely on your log traffic analysis alone because it will not tell you how many of your visitors made a purchase.

Luckily, some new tools have been invented to help you judge your keywords’ effectiveness in individual search engines. There is now software available that analyzes consumer behavior about consumer traffic.
This allows you to discern which keywords are bringing you the most valuable customers.

This is an essential concept: numbers alone do not make good keyword profits per visitor do. You need to find keywords that direct consumers to your site who buy your product, fill out your forms, or download your product. This is the most important factor in evaluating the efficacy of a keyword or phrase. It should be the sword you wield when discarding and replacing ineffective or inefficient keywords with keywords that bring better profits.

Ongoing analysis of tested keywords is the formula for search engine success. This may sound like a lot of work – and it is! But the amount of informed effort you put into your keyword campaign is what will ultimately generate your business rewards.


If you are a beginner and want to learn faster, do not worry; go to the next link and find everything. The ‘Selling System’ contains over 300 detailed videos about everything you need to know about making money with WordPress blogs.

Or another great opportunity for beginners:
Visit this site here for more information and sign up, and if you’re serious, ambitious, and patient, you will succeed, even if you’re a beginner and have not done anything about it.

For any online business, you need traffic and a list of subscribers. Without them, your business is dead.
Get 100/200 subscribers a day. Guaranteed! There is no trick.
Everything is real and works very well.

Do you want to learn more for free?
Free Training Masterclass! Set up your first $1000 a month Sales Funnel… in 60 minutes, you get traffic to sell any product or service online… even if you are a complete ‘technophobe’… have zero computer skills… no experience in sales or marketing… and have without quitting your day job! .

Another opportunity to earn money, , and you will receive $10 immediately after registration. You will have the opportunity for online business ideas and earn a lot of money there. You will also .

Another possibility for your business is if you have built a website and want to advertise for free, get free traffic, and subscribe, you can .

You can also visit many opportunities displayed on the right side of this page. These are other sources of making money fast and very easy.

It is amazing! If you want to start making money without investing in anything, you can do it by joining right here.

– guaranteed.

There are Tigers In The Internet Jungle!

I.M. Survival Lesson #2 – There are Tigers In The Internet Jungle!

There are so many ways that newbies can ‘be had’ on the Internet. Sadly, so many of those eaten up by the tigers that roam through the Internet jungle is only trying to find a way to make some money using their personal computers and their Internet connections. They aren’t even hoping to become rich or famous. They don’t expect making money to be easy or fast. They want a job that will allow them to stay at home with their young children, put a loved child through college, or add to their retirement income.
They are honest, hard-working, decent people… that make the Tigers out there start thinking about lunch.


If you are considering trying to find a work at home job, you need to know that you will be working more hours for less money than you made at your job located in the brick and mortar world. On the other hand, you will not have all of the related expenses of a brick-and-mortar job.

* You will not have the expense of traveling to and from work.
* You will not have the expense of suitable clothing for work.
* You will not have the expense of day-care.
* You will not have the expense of lunch out every day.

Good things… all of them! But there is a downside to working from home, as well.

* You will be considered to be self-employed.
* You will have to pay all of your FICA tax. (Your employer now pays half).
* You will have to convince your family and friends that you really do have a job.
* You had better be aware of the tigers and other critters that want to have you for lunch… at the entree.

There are schemes and scams out there directed at those who want to be work-at-home moms, those looking for an additional income source, and those who are retirees looking for part-time work to supplement their incomes.

Some of these scams are:

Stuffing envelopes: “Make extra money by stuffing envelopes from home!” This tiger is a bit long in the tooth. It’s been around for years. Advertisements for ‘at-home-envelope stuffers can be found in newspapers at your local library that date back several decades… and yet people will still fall for it.

People will fall for this ploy because they get all of that unsolicited mail at their own homes, and they think that somebody had to have put that paper into those envelopes that are addressed to them.

Nope! Sorry… but no living person actually put that paper into those envelopes. It was put there by a machine, and a computer addressed it. It was mailed in bulk.

Of course, there is always a ‘small fee’ to get started in the envelope stuffing business. In return for this ‘small fee,’ you will most likely get instructions for placing ads just like the one you fell for to get others to bite.

It is a tiger… it is a con… and the only way you will ever get your money back is to fool others into thinking they can make money by stuffing envelopes.

Fact: There are no envelope stuffing jobs to be had! You have to be careful; you’re just in the jungle of the internet.

Craft or assembly jobs: This tiger is lovely. It appeals to those who are talented at crafts or handy with hand tools. These folks see an advertisement that promises them that they can make a ton of money by just doing what they already know how to do and are very good at, and it is just almost irresistible. This looks like the opportunity that they have been looking for!

Whoa! Put that sewing machine or those hand tools away, and let’s think this over. There are some things that you don’t know.
There isn’t any reason for you to know these things, but you better learn them… fast.

This advertisement’s headline is in big, bold print, and there are usually multiple exclamation points. The headline promises that you will be sent the material and then be paid for the finished products when you send them to the employer.

Don’t skip the print that isn’t quite as big as that headline.
That’s where the ‘catch’ is… or, maybe I should say, catches.
There’s more than one way for this tiger to get you.

Usually, the first thing is that you will be required to ‘invest’ in some special equipment or supplies that aren’t going to be included in the ‘free materials’ promised in the larger print. This equipment or supplies can run anywhere from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. This is what the advertisers are selling! You will see a no return policy for the equipment or supplies you must purchase… there never is.

If you get out your magnifying glass and read the itty-bitty print at the very bottom that is well below the scroll line, you will see a statement that says something like, “All work must meet quality standards.” It will look something like this: “All work must meet quality standards.” That’s where this tiger is really going to get you and get you good.

No work will ever meet quality standards. It isn’t possible. You will buy the equipment or supplies. You will work to create the products as directed. You will never see one thin dime in payment for the finished products that you send.

It gets worse. You have no legal recourse. You agreed to buy the equipment or supplies and were told that there was a ‘no return’ policy. You agreed to produce products that met ‘quality control standards’ that were not specified. You’ve been had!

The fact is that there really is a huge market for hand-crafted products out there. The market is huge… maybe almost unlimited.
If you have a talent for making hand-crafted products and if you have the ability to market them, you can make some money doing it.

However, you will not make any money using your talents to assemble hand-crafted products at home for these tigers who do not sell them. They are selling the equipment and supplies… that is ALL they are selling… and they want to sell them to you.

Fact: You can make money selling handcrafted items but not by assembling these items for others.

Medical Billing: This huge headline will read something like, “Job explosion in the Health Care Industry!!!!!!!” There are always a lot of exclamation points. You will see these advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and, of course, on the Internet.

You will be told that the entire reason that medical costs are so high is that the medical profession needs your personal assistance and that just by taking a job for which you will be very well paid, you can single-handedly lower the cost of health care for the whole world. Wow!

You need a job… and they need you! It sounds like a partnership that would work out well for everybody.

These advertisements try to sell you on the idea that it’s the overwhelming amount of required paperwork that is the root cause of the inflation of health care costs… for all of us. These advertisements claim that all that is needed to fix this problem is implementing electronic claim processing… which is a new and innovative technology that has recently become available.

Horsefeathers! A few well-established companies do electronic billing. Doctors subscribe to these services and have been doing so for more than a few years. Medical billing isn’t done by hand and hasn’t been since the late 1980s.

If you answer one of the advertisements, what you will get in return for the hard-earned dollars that you send in is a brochure, an application, some discs, a contract, some disclosure statements (in tiny print), and possibly some testimonial letters from people who will swear that this has changed their lives and made them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. HA!

What you will have are some basic instructions for setting up your own medical billing business. What you will not have is a medical building job. You will be required to get your own clients. They will not be supplied. As I said before, a few (and only a few) well-established companies have been doing this billing for doctors for many years. They are your competition… and very stiff competition.

You will be promised that you can earn a ton of bucks by only working part-time and at your own pace. Now stop just a minute and think about that. Part-time AND a ton of money? Does that really sound reasonable to you? It isn’t a reasonable expectation. You aren’t likely to make a ton of money working at a full-time job of any kind, and you certainly won’t be making very much, if anything, by working part-time. Real-world business doesn’t work like that, and neither does Internet-based businesses.

Oh, and you will also be required to make a personal investment of between one and TEN thousand dollars to get in on the golden opportunity.

Fact: Medical billing is well covered by the few companies that have been doing it for decades. You aren’t the answer to the soaring cost of health care.

Data Entry: No doubt you can picture yourself just putting numbers in columns for a few hours a day from the comfort of your own home and making enough money by doing it to make up your financial shortfall, right? No… sorry… that isn’t really very likely to happen.

I’m not telling you that there are NO data entry jobs available.
I am only telling you that you aren’t likely to get one of them by answering one of those slick ads that promise you a data entry job if you will but sign up for their course.

The problem with these so-called data entry courses is that they rarely have anything to do with data entry jobs. Most of them are more on the order of teaching you (more or less) how to set up and run your own affiliate program.

There isn’t anything wrong with affiliate programs, but they aren’t data entry jobs. They are businesses in which you will do some data entry work… like on tax forms when you file your self-employment tax returns. There can also be data entry work in the operation of an affiliate marketing business. You will need to enter data to maintain orderliness in your business.

If you let this tiger get you after you pay you the money, you will get a course that will either be delivered electronically via the computer, on CDs or DVDs. This course will teach how to find affiliate programs that you can sign up for (information that is readily available for free on the Internet). Then you will be instructed how to set up advertisements in Google Ad Words (this information is also readily available on the Internet). What you will not be told is that affiliate marketing is an extremely competitive business. It isn’t a data entry job.
You will be told that these ads you have to see up in Google Ad words will only cost you one penny each. Now there is a big fat, out-and-out, rotten lie.

You might set up ads that will only cost you one penny each time someone clicks on them… that much is true. Your ads will be listed on page 15 in search results, and you aren’t very likely to have them clicked on. But if some stroke of luck clicks on them, they cost well more than one penny per click.

Fact: Data entry courses are a scam. They will not secure a data entry job for you.

Writers Wanted: Here’s another tiger that is out to make you the main course for his dinner. It is absolutely true that the Internet gobbles up words at an alarming rate and that there is always a demand for those who can write articles, ebooks, and reports about various subjects.

Writing for the Internet is an art. Just because you can string sentences together grammatically correct and make sense doesn’t mean you can write for Internet marketers.

The advertisements that you see that say, ‘Writers Wanted’ don’t really want writers. What they want are the people who want to be writers. There will always be a course you must pay for or a list that you are required to buy. That’s what these advertisements are selling… courses or lists… they are NOT selling writing jobs.

Fact: You will not get a job writing by taking a course or buying a list. You have to be careful; you’re just in the jungle of the internet.

Check List There really are work-at-home jobs out there. The problem is finding the ones that are legitimate job offers. So many are nothing more than Internet jungle tigers waiting to take advantage of you. Here is a checklist that will help you to separate the fact from the fiction:

1. What is the ‘cost’ of getting the job that is advertised?
Find out what, if any, equipment or supplies are required.
Legitimate work-at-home jobs do not require that you spend money. They pay YOU money.

2. Tell me what the tasks are that I must perform to get paid. This is a legitimate question to ask. Every job on earth comes with a job description of some kind. If the company or individual you are talking to can describe the job in a few sentences, keep looking.

3. Is this a salaried position, or will I be paid on a commission or hourly basis? Here’s another question that any potential employee shouldn’t hesitate to ask. Pay is always based upon something. It is either paid as a salary that has nothing whatsoever to do with hours worked, or it is based upon an hourly pay scale for which you will be required to sign in and sign out, or it is based upon a commission or percentage of sales that you must make.

4. Who pays me and when? That’s an easy question. Every single legitimate company or individual employer has regular and specified pay periods. You might be paid once a week, once a month, or twice a month. Any of those pay period options are legitimate.

5. Where are you located? This is a question that only someone who is working from home would have to ask. If you were working in the brick and mortar world, you would be well aware of the place where you were expected to report to work. The Internet presents another little problem. We are all connected electronically rather than physically. You might be working for someone who is located in Malaysia. It would be best if you were told where the person or business is physically located.

6. How will I receive instructions? Here again, this is a problem that only comes up when the job is being done on the computer. You may receive instructions by email or by way of an instant messaging service.

7. Who will I receive instructions from? This is a question that might need to be answered for real-world businesses and online ones. Many times there will be more than one partner in an online business. You need to know who it is that will supply you with instructions and directions. You don’t want to have to decide who to take direction from.


You are a beginner and want to learn faster, not worry; go to the next link and find everything. The ‘Selling System’ contains over 300 detailed videos about everything you need to know about making money with WordPress blogs.

For any online business, . Without them, your business is dead.
Get 100 subscribers a day. If you join this site, and with only $ 1 a day, you can get at least 3000 subscribers every month. You will also earn money. Guaranteed! There is no trick. This is another opportunity that I use and achieve daily success is a compelling platform. I got a list of tens of thousands of followers I communicate with every day for 15 minutes. It is amazing.
See . Many of them became my subscribers.
Everything is real and works very well. .

Do you want to learn more for free?
Free Training Masterclass! Set up your first $1000 a month Sales Funnel… in 60 minutes, you get traffic to sell any product or service online… even if you are a complete ‘technophobe’… have zero computer skills… no experience in sales or marketing… and without quitting your day job! .

Another opportunity to earn money, register here, and you will receive $ 5 immediately after registration. There you will have the opportunity for online business ideas and earn a lot of money. You will also earn $ 5 for each subscriber you bring.

Another possibility for your business is that if you have built a website or have obtained affiliate links and want to advertise for free, get free traffic, make money, and get subscribers, you can .
For more information, read this free report.

You can also visit many opportunities displayed on the right side of this page. These are other sources of making money fast and very easy.

Or . Here the whole .

It is amazing! If you want to start making money without investing in anything, you can do it by joining right here.

– guaranteed.

I.M. Lesson survival in the jungle Internet (1)

In the jungle, there are many tigers and lions. I.M. Lesson survival in the jungle Internet.Know What Sells

Funny! When you log onto the Internet, nothing indicates that you have just entered an untamed jungle. You don’t hear any roaring lions or other ominous sounds, and you don’t see any wild animals that are planning to have you as the main course for dinner, but they are out there. They are just in disguise.

There is no particular order that you will meet these dangerous characters, but some of the first ones you are likely to meet are those I like to think of as the ‘welcoming committee.’

Selling What’s Free.

This welcoming committee’s objective is to sell you what can be had for free all over the Internet if you know where to look.

Anti-Virus Protection.

The first thing that you will be told that you must buy is anti-virus software. Now, there are some excellent anti-virus programs out there that are being sold. But if your financial ability is somewhat limited, you really do not have to buy expensive anti-virus programs.

Yes, you must have an anti-virus program on your computer. There isn’t any doubt about that one. The Internet is full of creeps that get their jollies by infecting computers with viruses, worms, and trojans. You don’t want that to happen to you or your computer.

Some spend their every waking hour just dreaming up new and insidious ways of making problems for the rest of us.
Luckily, there are just as many good folks out there that spend their time figuring out how to keep them from doing it to us.

Two of the best-known anti-virus programs out there are Norton and McAfee, and both are excellent programs. Both of them are also rather expensive. McAfee is more expensive than Norton, but neither one is really cheap, and they are certainly not free.

However, there is also a free and perfect one. AVG has many anti-viruses and other security programs available, but they also have a free version. This free version works very well and provides ample protection. You can find this free program at AVG.


Most computers today come with built-in firewalls. Windows added that feature. It is already on your computer when you bring it home.

Just because you already have a sufficient firewall to protect your computer doesn’t mean that there won’t be members of the welcome-to-the-jungle committee who won’t be trying to sell you one.

You will be told that the one that is on your computer has failed to protect you. You will see these little pop-ups telling you that you need to have your computer scanned.Quick Tip Reports

The scan is, of course, free. The purpose of the scan is to sell you something that you don’t need… usually a firewall, but there are other programs.

You already have a firewall, and multiple firewalls do not add protection. They interfere with each other. You are better off sticking with the firewall that came built into your computer.

Instructional ‘Courses’

There are many excellent instructional courses available on the
Internet. There are even more instructional courses on the Internet that are bogus. They only offer you information that is readily available for free and charge you large sums to provide it to you.

One of the very worst ones that I have seen promises to teach you ‘data entry.’ This course has absolutely nothing to do with data entry or data entry work. It ‘teaches’ you to sign up for affiliate programs and place ads in Google AdWords for those products.

Affiliate marketing can be a very lucrative Internet business.
It isn’t learned easily, but it is a real Internet business. This program tries to disguise affiliate marketing as data entry solely to fool young stay-at-home-moms, retired people, and others into spending fifty hard-earned bucks on a program that isn’t going to be of any value to them at all if they are looking for a work-at-home job and aren’t prepared or able to put in the hundred-plus hours each week that is required to launch a successful affiliate marketing business.

Remember this. Anybody with dollar signs in their eyes, a computer, and an Internet connection can advertise instructional programs. Some of these ‘helpful’ folks gather the information that is readily available on the Internet, package it, write some slick advertising, and then sell it to unsuspecting, hard-working newbies who just haven’t learned the ropes yet.

Before you ever sign up for a ‘course’ and pay money for it, do some research about the subject being ‘taught’ first and then ask yourself these questions:

Question #1: Can I find this information for myself?

Question #2: Is this information that I really need?

Question #3: Can this information help me?

Question #4: Is the information being offered what it appears to be?

Question #5: Is there a guarantee?

Question #6: Will I be required to spend additional money to implement the information?

Question #7: How stiff will the competition be?

Question #8: Does the ‘course’ assume that I have more computer skills than I possess?

Question #9: Is the person teaching the course knowledgeable or well-known?

Question #10: Do the advertisements sound too good to be true?

Disguised Pyramid Schemes

Pyramid schemes have been around since about the time the actual pyramids were built. You’d think that in the intervening few thousand years, people would be able to easily recognize a pyramid scheme when they came face to face with one. The people who dream these things up, however, are pretty slick characters.
A pyramid scheme never comes labeled as a pyramid scheme.

It is effortless to get sucked into one of these schemes. You need to understand how they work and be able to spot them for what they are. There are a few ‘buzz’ words that can tip you off:

1. Recruit: “to engage in finding and attracting employees, new members, students, athletes, etc.,” That’s one of the definitions of the word according to the dictionary. The use of the word, ‘recruit’ (or any variation) should be a major tip-off that the program that is being promoted to you is most likely a pyramid scheme. Some of these schemes can be easily spotted, while others are a little harder to identify. Just beware when you see the word ‘recruit.’ There was a scheme that went around a while back that was sent by unsolicited email that offered an ‘exclusive opportunity’ to earn a boatload of money by recruiting people to sell a device that would provide access to the Internet by television. No, I’m not kidding. This happened, and people fell for it.

2. ‘Buy the secret and sell…’ This is a typical pyramid scheme that you will often see. This is another ‘offer’ that arrives in your inbox that you have not solicited. You are offered an ‘exclusive’ opportunity to buy a secret that will allow you to make a hundred thousand dollars a month (no work required), and then you can sell this secret to others for a substantial profit, and they will make money for you. These gullible folks will fill your bank account with beautiful green-backs. Wait! You are the gullible folk they are targeting.

You can believe me when I tell you that there aren’t a lot of people out there in this world that are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to send you money.

You can also believe that there is no legitimate Internet business that will immediately make you hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. You might someday make that kind of money, but if you do, it will be after you have put in an incredible amount of time and effort and not because you bought a ‘secret’… there isn’t one.

3. ‘Let others do the work’: This little phrase has a pyramid scheme written all over it. The ‘pitch’ is usually for a non-existent product. You will be sent information to buy bulk mail that gives you instructions for getting others to promote this ‘product,’ and all you will have to do is count your millions.
Right! Don’t fall for that one.

Disguised MLM

If you are new to the world of internet business or work-at-home job opportunities, you may not know what MLM means. It means Multi-Level-Marketing. MLM is similar to a pyramid scheme, but it isn’t the same.

True pyramid schemes don’t involve selling an actual product, but MLM is all about selling an actual product.

According to this glossary of Internet terms, “Multilevel Marketing is selling products by using independent distributors and allowing these distributors to build and manage their own sales force by recruiting, motivating, supplying, and training others to sell products. The distributors’ compensation includes their sales and a percentage of their sales group (downline). “So,” you say, “that just sounds like a good idea for making money.” Well, it IS a good way of making money.
The problem is that it is illegal.

Do you see that tip-off word, ‘recruiting’? The other tip-off that this is an MLM scheme is the phrase, ‘percentage of sales.’

There is nothing illegal about setting up an affiliate program and PAYING a percentage of sales to those who sell your products or services to others. There is nothing illegal about COLLECTING the percentages offered by the producers of the products or services. That is simply good business and more than just common practice in the Internet business world.

The problem arises when you start COLLECTING percentages of sales from people recruited to sell the product. Then another level is added, and it becomes multi-level marketing. Even one additional level is illegal, but MLM schemes will have many, MANY layers.

The main Internet banking and money exchange on the Internet is PayPal. PayPal employs full-time personnel to search for and identify MLM schemes. When these schemes are uncovered, the account (and all attached accounts and credit cards) are frozen.

Yes, sometimes PayPal does indeed misidentify a legitimate business like an MLM scheme. Still, it doesn’t happen very often, and the problem can usually be resolved in just two or three business days. This very thing happened to a friend of mine not long ago. It was resolved, but not without him proving that his business was not an MLM scheme.

This does point out the fact, however, that some are looking for illegal MLM schemes. You may think that you are very anonymous on the Internet, but you are no longer anonymous when you do business on the Internet.

Beware of Lions

There are a lot of big hungry lions in the Internet jungle. They are looking for easy marks… they love newbies best of all.

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Know What Sells


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