The 3 pillars on which you can build amazing performances

The 3 pillars on which you can build amazing performances in the future.
This is what I want to give you today. Let me simplify, to the maximum, my vision of guiding people – towards an ability, performance, and the result they want.

Why are you not getting results?

It has to do with the context in which we find ourselves.
Everything is quantitative, at least at the informational level, and this disturbs us quite a lot. We see many examples of success, we have access to infinite resources, and life seems extremely complex.

And this paralyzes us.

We feel small. By comparison, we feel that nothing we do makes sense. We think that everyone else is higher than us. Closer to the “finish line”.

If we are talking about business, sales, , writing, drawing, running on one leg or singing on the scaffolding, while we are laying bricks on a house, everything that comes out of our “hand”, we have the feeling that it is crooked. Silly. Ugly.

We are too much in our heads and too little on the road.

How do you form a skill?

Pillar #1:
The necessary information

Key question: What does my student need to know now, to get results?

It is the most obvious question and the angle on which any trainer, mentor, or coach focuses. Unfortunately, it is also the kryptonite that weakens us.

In the past, information was so rare that if you came across some, you hung on to it and put it into practice because you knew there was a good chance you wouldn’t come across other relevant ones for a long time.

Today, the world suffers from informational obesity. It is an oversized pillar at the moment and it matters the least of all (because the information is everywhere, a click away).

The saddest and most depressed people I have met in this life are those who focus only on information (they have their heads full of accurate information, but they are not able to cross the street with what they know). Too much information (without the other pillars developed) only generates perfectionism and paralysis in action. Ironically, they are also very critical and cynical of others.

As a trainer, the hardest thing I work with is someone who knows a lot but doesn’t get results. The feeling, often, is that I have to delete all his programs and start from scratch with him. The effort is at least double. The fear of failure is ten times stronger than someone who starts from scratch.

Ironically, in a program, it is easier to enter as a virgin, without knowing anything. Because everything seems fascinating to you and you can apply the information faster.

The stupidest trainers are those who provide information and nothing more.

Pillar #2:
The necessary practice

Good questions: What skill does my learner need now, to be able to move forward? What exercises? What themes? How can I track the progress?

Although it seems obvious that you need more practice to form a skill, it is an undersized pillar, in most cases. Basic skills are formed much more slowly than the information you can get, which is why you have the feeling that you are always behind.

Today, the emphasis is on speed and shortcuts. If speed and shortcuts still work at the level of information, when the practical part comes, you need patience, trust, and time.

I like to segment the exercises, starting from very simple to complex. And not to miss a single moment, of training in the “basic” skill.

I always have in mind, when we talk too much about the act itself, a rhetorical and extremely ironic question:

“And you are a writer who doesn’t write?”
“A painter who doesn’t paint?”
“A sales agent who doesn’t sell?”
“An entrepreneur who doesn’t have a company?”
“An athlete who doesn’t run?”

Write, my dear, write! That’s why you came here.
Not that you know how to write. Just do it!

From the trainer’s perspective, progression is needed.
Sequential and strategic thinking (giving exercises in a certain order, to form the ability itself).

It is the most difficult pillar to raise because people in general are lazy. He prefers to find out, not to do.

I like to think of work (that is, the work) as an energy that you take from the past and push further into the future. It is easier to build effort today, on the effort made yesterday. And to push him towards the effort you will make tomorrow.

This kind of representation helps to create momentum.

I always keep in mind that what I’m doing now, I’m doing for the results I’ll have and the position I’ll be in six months from now.

Today’s suffering is tomorrow’s success.

If I make a sale today, regardless of the result, I do it for my sales ability and the results of over six months. In this way, it helps me to maintain realism, and assume the current expectations, but also to train my ‘muscle’.

Most people don’t get results because they are greedy, they don’t have patience, and they want EVERYTHING NOW, if possible. If it’s not possible, they prefer to build on pillar #1 (they think they don’t get results because they don’t know something).

Pillar #3:
The necessary emotion

Good questions: What should the man feel, to move forward eagerly, enthusiastically, and optimistically to achieve performance? What words should he hear? How should the people around him look, so that they don’t close in on him?

It is an essential pillar, which can destroy everything you have built if you do not make it solid. Some trainers do it naturally, coming from their charisma. Others educate themselves in this direction and create systems to ensure good energy.

Emotion does not refer to entertainment, to a good mood, or to mobilizing speeches (although they can generate positive energy to help you move forward). In this case, emotion refers to maintaining a safe environment, in which people can allow themselves to make mistakes. It refers to the whole community. To the team. To people.

Most often this pillar is weak because of:

😨 Perfectionists (who know too much, do too little, and are too critical – with themselves and others around them);

😨 To the negativists – those who don’t think it’s possible (because their lack of trust affects the entire collective, but also their psyche – and the results are much smaller, with much more effort);

😨 To those who think they help through criticism (it’s the eternal “that’s how I am, more direct”; I usually call them opinionated (because it rhymes with intoxicated – being intoxicated with opinions – about how things should happen, without having the patience to listen to the other or to understand his position).

It is a critical pillar, which feeds on enthusiasm, mutual encouragement, and unconditional support. Over time, I had great revelations about the people in a team and the impact they have on everyone. People who think they help, but who hinder everyone’s evolution.

As a trainer, you need to temper those who bring shade into the group. To potentiate the light. To remove the fog and the darkness. Unfounded criticism. The insecure.
As an entrepreneur/team leader, you need to form a team of positive people, who trust the company’s vision, passionate about achieving performance.

As a person who wants to develop a skill, you need to spend time with those who give you wings and with whom you feel you can grow.

The people around us, the way we choose them, and how they interact with us – are the main factor that determines our evolution and performance. Or the blockages.

Everything shown above is about the three pillars that you have to take into account to evolve in reaching your performance.

Anyone can achieve performance, even beginners.
But to understand and build all this, especially beginners have to start from scratch.

If you follow everything with understanding, and patience, and don’t make beginner mistakes, any performance can be achieved.

It is not difficult if you learn, apply, and follow each step correctly.

BOOOONUS (with four “O’s”)

Beyond the pillars, I want to come to you with some psychological elements that I have studied in detail and that affect evolution, in the long term.

🔋Research diet – for all those who are information junkies or have a tendency to exaggerate the documentation part of a project, who are information obese.

Exactly as the description says, the “diet” implies a limitation of consumption (at most three books to read, after which you act/a week of documentation, after which you act, etc.). The surplus of information usually paralyzes, not helps.

And the truth is that, after reading 3 books on a subject, you know about 80-90% of everything that is said in that field.

🪫 Decisional paralysis – also comes on pillar #1, that of information. Usually, when you have a lot of information, you also have a lot of decisions to make. The more decisions you have, the more tired you will be and the harder it will be to move forward.

That’s why you should know that if you don’t act, it’s often because you have too many options. And then, you have to choose, simply. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom! A bad decision is better than a no-decision.

In a project (any kind of project) – it is desirable to make decisions as easily as possible so that you can move forward. You can do this through systems, rules, through awareness of the ultimate goal. The easier you eliminate a few options, the more energy you will have.

🔋The gamification type effect – comes on pillar #2, that of the actions you take. Normally, in games, the first levels are very easy to reach, precisely to “catch you”. Points come quickly, armor comes easily, and skills grow in leaps and bounds.

Then, as you progress through the game, they will become harder and harder. But it doesn’t bother you anymore, because you are already caught.

So, when you create “action steps”, it is advisable to think about what stage of the game you are in. If you’re just starting, the steps should be embarrassingly easy to follow. But with a progression in mind.

🔋The Pygmalion effect – comes on pillar #3 and says that if you trust a man to achieve performance and results, the chances of that man achieving them increase.

It comes after a famous study by Rosenthal, with the help of which he demonstrated that IQ is quite subjective and is influenced by the opinion of others about you.

If you tell a teacher that a student is a genius (and he believes you), the chances that that student will achieve much better performance and results, under the teacher’s tutelage, increase exponentially.

In other words, as a trainer, you can’t allow yourself to think that your students can’t get the result they want. And you don’t allow yourself, when you form a skill, to think that you can’t get it.

In the training, I had, probably the most frequently asked question to me was “But do you think that anyone can?”. My answer was always YES. Anyone can, within the limits of the laws of physics (most likely, you cannot become a boxing champion at 90 years old).


There is not much to say about the performance.
To get results, you need:

💪 Information (just enough to allow you to move forward, to take the next step);

💪 Practice (starting from the smallest step you can take, without worrying about quality, at the beginning);

💪 Emotions (positive – people who trust you, a system in which you can feel safe).

This is pretty much . And the reason why I have results, as a trainer.

Put your mind to the contribution and develop your positive thinking.

Develop these three main elements, become an expert, and then learn and give to others. You will be better informed and will understand, if you open all the links, even on images. If you concentrate, and do everything with a lot of patience and understanding, you will get the desired performance.
The results will be undeniable.

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
– Zig Ziglar

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
– Mark Twain.

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