How to prepare to make money for the holidays?

The countdown is on.
The winter holidays are coming. Now is the right time to make money.

I’m the type of person who plans things out well in advance because if I don’t, I panic. Then the panic leads to rushing. And the rushing leads to making mistakes.

Now is the time to finalize your winter holiday email calendar, and start sending your first emails.

But did you know that 50% of people begin their holiday shopping before November?
That means, if you want to reach this 50%, you need to start sending your holiday emails now.

You can’t just wake up one morning and say “Today feels like a good day to email my audience.” You’ve got to plan out the who, what, why, and when of your holiday emails.

If you haven’t started planning yet, let’s take the time to build a well-thought-out holiday email schedule.

Promote your offers daily.
Don’t you know how to compose an attractive email that will convert leads into subscribers and then into buyers?

Get inspired. You probably receive many emails, and some impressed you more and made you curious and you read them.
Adapt or customize these emails to your offers.

Write several valuable emails and save them in a file on your computer.
Then, schedule them to send daily to your subscriber list or a lead list.

You still don’t have a list of subscribers or a list of leads?
Don’t worry, because you can create one very quickly.

The most powerful source to get daily leads is if you join an excellent site (click on the links below).

For information about how to quickly create your lists and how to make money, see the video explanations below.
You can watch Steve’s video, which has many explanations. Below, on the page, you can see how much money others have made (this is in the first month).
See how Steve made over $9,000 in his second month.
These earnings are recurring, but the earnings can be much higher by promoting different products.

Click here for detailed information about this site (text and video).

If you had the opportunity to join this site and haven’t done so yet, you would have missed out on making more money.

Some have registered up to 15 times and now have 15 accounts on this site. It means…
[15 accounts x 200 leads/day = 3,000 leads/day (90,000 leads/month)].

But be careful, hurry, because this site will close its doors soon. The announcement is on site.

Making money is not difficult if you are ambitious, focused, consistent, and persistent and do everything with patience.

Looking back over the years, it seems that one quality that many who didn’t make money online and gave up very quickly lacked was patience and laziness.
It seems that to succeed, you must have or learn to develop a great deal of patience. “Slow and steady wins the race,” like the turtle.

Those who do not read patiently, do not follow the explanatory videos to the end, and do not open all the links will not understand anything.
Anyone who is always in a hurry and does not inform himself correctly with much patience will fail. Guaranteed.

See “?”

I have been and will not give it up because it has greatly helped me succeed (good traffic, leads, subscribers, recurring income, and sales). I only work 10 minutes daily and get all this for only $1.

This promotion method is better than any type of traffic (free or paid).

to get traffic, quality leads, and subscribers, and convert your followers into buyers through emails.

Smart people use this site with great success.
Are you one of them?


Increasing Link Popularity

Search engines are the gateway to the Internet. They are the first tool that potential customers use to find the products and services they need. This is why link popularity is so imperative. If the customers do not find your website, you have no possibility of making any sales.

You’re probably wondering what the blazes are popular about a link! Well, in a word – plenty! Link popularity refers to the ranking assigned to your website by the search engines, and it determines the ranking your page gets when keywords are entered into a search engine. So, you’re probably wondering, how do I make my link popular?

Search engines are discretionary, giving status and ranking to sites with links to their pages from related, quality sites. It’s a simple formula, but a significant one. Google created the system, and now virtually all the most popular search engines employ it to rank your web pages in their indexes.

The more commonly used your keyword is, the harder it will be to achieve link popularity, but it is almost certain your site will never rank highly on any search engine without achieving this step. But don’t be discouraged; there are tried and true ways of achieving link popularity using the most competitive keywords.

There are a few things you should be aware of. The first is that just linking up with many other websites will not achieve link popularity. In fact, it may have quite the opposite effect. This is particularly true when about nothing more than “link farms” – pages containing line after line of indiscriminate links. Search engines may aggressively discriminate against your website if you are associated with a link farm, so steer clear of them!

The next thing to bear in mind is the quality of the site you are linking to. Never link to a page you have reservations about your visitors seeing. The last thing you want your website to appear as is indiscriminate and cheap.
Linking to sites of poor quality will only lessen your link popularity, if not destroy it.

So let’s get to what you need to do to achieve supreme link popularity and improve your rankings to stellar status on all the popular search engines.

The first step and the fastest way to get your foot in the door is to get a listing in a popular directory, such as Open Directory Project and Yahoo. If your site is business-related, you will want to be listed on Yahoo, and even though it will cost you around $300 a year, it will be money well spent. If your site is non-commercial, the listing will be free, but it will take time and follow-up to get it listed. Open Directory gives you a free listing, whether you are business-related or non-commercial, but be prepared to make many follow-up inquiries before you see your site listed.

You aim to get listed in the highest level of appropriate category, which takes some common sense. For example, if your company ships Alpaca wool from an Alpaca farm located in the middle of Nowhere, Tiny State, do NOT submit your listing to “Retailers from Nowhere, Tiny State.” BIG MISTAKE! All you have to do is look a little deeper – and submit your listing to the “Fine Alpaca Wool” category. You will not only associate yourself with culture and quality, but you will be listed in a national category.

After you have attained directory listings, the next step is to locate other quality sites to increase your link popularity. Try to find sites that are in some way related to yours, so not only will your link popularity increase, but your customer base may also be expanded. You want to avoid your competitors and look for sites that are useful to your site’s visitors. Let’s look at the Alpaca Wool site example. Linking up to a site that sells knitting supplies would help your visitors, and the chances of the knitting supply site wanting to link up to your site are also greater. By linking to a related site that will be relevant to your website’s traffic, you are increasing both of your site’s business prospects – and both of your sites’ link popularity.

Not all sites want to link to other sites, so you will have to research when looking for possible linking partners. Google is an excellent starting place for your search. Make sure you enter keywords that you think quality customers will also enter to find your own site.
Remember, your criteria are quality, highly ranked, non-competing websites with links or resources page.
Go to these sites and objectively assess them. Look at the quality of the product, the graphics, and the ease of use.
Then check out the other sites they are linked to, and determine if your own site would fit in with the crowd.

When you decide you have found a good prospect, you must set out to woo them. The first thing to do is to add a link on your own links page to their site. This is an essential first step; it shows good faith and ups your chances significantly of their reciprocity. After you have added their link, you must contact the webmaster of their site.
Since this is almost always done by email, you want to make sure it is immediately clear that your message is not junk mail. This requires that you tell them right off the bat that you have added a link to their page on your site. A hook like this almost always insures the reader will read on.

Next, be sure to be flattering and let them know how much you appreciate their website. Ensure you emphasize that you have actually visited their site and that their site is not just a random pick. Please give them the address of your links page, and ask them to check out the link for themselves. It’s a good idea to mention that they will not only benefit from the increased traffic your website will direct their way, but you will also increase their link popularity. Briefly explain why link popularity is so essential, but do this in a sentence or two so you don’t sound like a professor! Finally, tell them you would greatly appreciate it if they would reciprocally add a link on their own links page to your website.

Go through this process with as many appropriate sites as you can find, bearing in mind the criteria of quality and non-competitiveness. After you have emailed all relevant sites, be sure to check these websites frequently to see if they have added a link to your page. Give it about a month, and if no link appears, try another charming email. Then give it another month, and if your site is still absent from their links page, it’s time to remove their link from your own links page. The only time you want to pursue a link further than this is if you believe a site is crucial to your link popularity and your business needs. Just remember to keep all your communications complimentary and cordial.

Then set up a schedule to check your ranking in search engines frequently to see if your link popularity has improved. This is not achievable in the blink of an eye. It will take some time and a good deal of work. There is no way around the labor-intensive quality of improving your link popularity, which is why search engines regard it with such importance.

Funny! When you log onto the Internet, nothing indicates that you have just entered an untamed jungle.
There are a lot of big hungry lions in the Internet jungle. They are looking for easy marks… .

By the way – make sure you have a beautiful, streamlined site, or you will never persuade anyone to link up to you.
Be prepared to keep plugging away at this process, as long as it takes until you achieve link popularity stardom!

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